Abstract Halftone Elements
Gold heart

Ericka Lizbeth

Energetic Trauma Release

A transformative and life-changing healing experience that ​releases your body’s stored trauma

Everybody stores trauma differently. Over ​time, retained memories can interfere with ​the function of your:

Physical Body

Human Body

Joint pain

Nerve pain

Chronic pain

Recurring injuries

Structural misalignments

Headaches, Migraines

Eczema, Psoriasis, Lumps, ​and Cysts

Emotional Body

Diagnosed autoimmune ​conditions, Digestive issues,

Turbulent relationships,

Feelings of failure,

Rejection, Abandonment, ​Grief, Heartache, Sadness, and ​Anger

Mental Body

Human Brain

A diagnosis of depression, ​anxiety, OCD, or PTSD.

Panic attacks, Intrusive ​thoughts, Negative beliefs, Self-​sabotage and a general lack of ​motivation in life

S​piritual Body


Feeling unfulfilled, ​dissatisfied or disconnected ​from life with a lack of ​direction, fulfilling ​relationships, career ​prospects or loving family ​connections

Energetic Trauma Release ​Session


Love Connection Illustration

I remotely connect to your ​subconscious mind and body through ​your etheric energy field. Using ​kinaesthetic muscle testing, I identify ​the root cause of any dysfunction and ​assess how your stored trauma shows ​up in your body.


Liberate and Freedom

Starting at the source, I remove a ​lifetime of trapped emotions that your ​body has been holding onto. By ​instantly releasing and permanently ​erasing these cellular memories, your ​healing journey can finally begin.


mental health awareness

Releasing negative trapped emotions ​wipes the slate clean, and can then repro​gram positive emotions back into your ​subconscious mind. These new belie​fs and associations are the found​ations of your future health and happi​ness.

Are you tired of feeling weighed down by the heaviness of grief, sadness, and negative emotions that seem to affect every aspect ​of your life? Do you find yourself questioning your purpose and feeling stuck in a cycle of despair? I know that feeling all too well.

But there is hope. I discovered the incredible power of Energetic Trauma Release during my own journey of healing. By unlocking ​the trapped emotions in my body, I was able to break free from the burdens of past traumas, grief, and anxiety. As a result, I ​experienced a newfound sense of emotional freedom, peace, and clarity.

Step into a life of emotional freedom and clarity, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Start Your Healing ​Journey Now

Gold heart




Price of the initial session

Pric​e of follow-up session

Your journey starts with an ​initial 75-minute Discovery ​Session where you can direct me ​to specific areas of concern and ​discuss your journey so far.

Each follow-up session is 45 ​minutes.


Please send me an email with a ​description of your symptoms, ​physical and or emotional and I ​will get back to you with my ​next available app​ointmennt.


A $100 non-refundable deposit is ​required at the time of booking ​via PayPal and remaining balance ​is due 24 hours before your sess​io​n.

Disclaimer: Educational information is not the same as medical or psychological advice. All information on this website is presented for educational and ​informative purposes only. This website is not intended to replace professional, medical, or psychological advice or guidance in any capacity. If you have ​experienced, or are experiencing, medical concerns or symptoms, urgent or non-urgent, you are encouraged to seek medical or psychological advice from a ​qualified medical professional.

All information delivered on this website and in session is based on personal observation, knowledge, and experience.